perjantai 30. huhtikuuta 2010

Is it out of sight out of mind?

"But the reality of the situation is that people are, for the most part, irresponsible. Just look at the rate that we recycle these plastic products. It's very low. We've been brought up in a world where it's OK to just buy things and throw away what you don't want. Where, exactly, is away?

Is it out of sight out of mind? Judging by most people's behavior, I have to say yes. But I think the real point to be made here is that the manufacture, sale and disposal of plastics is in and of itself very destructive to the environment. Millions of barrels of oil per year go into the manufacture of plastic bags alone. Is it worth it to be dependent on foreign oil so we can carry things home from the store?"

--Rick Hart, commenting on the JunkRaft blog

Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Capt. Charles Moore on the seas of plastic

Paper or Plastic? Help End the Debate


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