keskiviikko 7. syyskuuta 2016

First choice

Just couple of days ago I wrote the words “life is full of mistakes…” I wrote it to a special soul and I truly meant it for the first time in my life. I felt it. I finally felt it. Why? Because without my mistakes, wrong choices and try outs in life, simple – I would not be the person who I am now. I would not have grown, scaled my mind and understanding and stayed humble. Sometimes life gives you hundreds of wrong answers just to give you the eye to see the only right one.

James Clear is one of my mentors and I value his opinions and words. His thoughts have wondered around this same topic during these sunny September days. The full article can be read:

The main lessons from him:

“If you only live in the safety zone where you know you can’t mess up, then you’ll never unleash your true potential. If you know enough about something to make the optimal decision on the first try, then you’re not challenging yourself.”

“The best way to learn is to start practicing”

“Neils Bohr, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist, famously said, “An expert is a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.”

“The time to trust your gut is when you have the knowledge or experience to back it up. You can trust yourself to make sharp decisions in areas where you already have proven expertise. For everything else, the only way to discover what works is to adopt a philosophy of experimentation.”

“The fact that failure will happen is not an excuse for expecting to fail. There is no reason to be depressed or give up simply because you will make a few wrong choices. Even more crucial, you must try your best every time because it is the effort and the practice that drives the learning process. They are essential, even if you fail. Realize that no single choice is destined to fail, but that occasional failure is the cost you have to pay if you want to be right. Expect to win and play like it from the outset.”

“Your first choice is rarely the optimal choice. Make it now, stop judging yourself, and start growing.”

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