Istuin ja katsoin silmiä, lakasin pihaa ja katsoin silmiä, kävelin ja katsoin silmiä. Merkillinen päivä päättyi seuraavaan tarinaan:
A man drove up to a gas station and asked the attendant, "What are people like in this town? I´m thinking of moving and I want to know ahead of time what type of neighbors I can expect." The gas station attendant replied, "Well, what were your neighbors like in the town you´re leaving?" The man answered, "They were nasty gossips who never had a good word to say about anyone." "Oh", said the attendant, "You´ll find them pretty much the same in this town. I´d recommend you keep on looking for another town."
Later a second man pulled into the gas station, asking the same question, "What type of people live in this town?" And again , the gas station attendant inquired, "Well, what types of people live near you now?" "Oh," he said, "They are wonderful, kind people." To which the gas station attendant replied, "You´ll find them much the same right here in this town."
No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent. - John Donne - And as Evan is saying in one of my favourite movies - all you need is LOVE!
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