perjantai 4. marraskuuta 2016

Love of your life

What happens when we idealize love? What happens when we put it in into a box of dreams and wishes? What happens when we think it will make our lives ever so beautiful by itself?

People who give more than take and fill you with positive energy, yes. People who you can trust, yes.

Relationship that makes you sacrifice your identity and happiness, no. To tolerate behavior in our romantic relationships that you would never tolerate in our friendships, no.

Life "oh shit happens" mentor Mark puts it close to bullseye. Best part is the end. Would only add one sentence,.. love is what makes life beautiful, live beside it not in it.

"Remember this: The only way you can fully enjoy the love in your life is to choose to make something else more important in your life than love.

You can fall in love with a wide variety of people throughout the course of your life. You can fall in love with people who are good for you and people who are bad for you. You can fall in love in healthy ways and unhealthy ways. You can fall in love when you’re young and when you’re old. Love is not unique. Love is not special. Love is not scarce. But your self-respect is. So is your dignity. So is your ability to trust. There can potentially be many loves throughout your life, but once you lose your self-respect, your dignity or your ability to trust, they are very hard to get back. Love is a wonderful experience. It’s one of the greatest experiences life has to offer. And it is something everyone should aspire to feel and enjoy.

But like any other experience, it can be healthy or unhealthy. Like any other experience, it cannot be allowed to define us, our identities or our life purpose. We cannot let it consume us. We cannot sacrifice our identities and self-worth to it. Because the moment we do that, we lose love and we lose ourselves. Because you need more in life than love. Love is great. Love is necessary. Love is beautiful. But love is not enough."

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