Elämän värit ovat tunteita.
Mikään ei ole mustaa ja valkoista.
Kipua, hurmaa ja silti niin kaunista.
Olen toisinaan yksin, yksinäinen,
maailman pienin ja heikoin.
Silti olen sitä vain hetken,
kunnes muistan.
Oman suuruuteni,
ainutlaatuisen lahjani,
oman henkeni, elämäni.
Parasta vuosien tiessä,
on löytää oma itsensä.
En ole tullut perille omin voimin,
muiden avulla ja avoimin mielin kylläkin.
Huomaan ilokseni, eräänä iltana.
Olen rakastunut, muuttunut,
kuin taas uuteen mittaani kasvanut.
Parasta kaikessa on sen puhtaus.
Et voi enää paeta, valehdella.
Et kaipaa tai hae väärää uskoa,
ruoki pirujasi katoavalla,
halulla ja huomiolla.
Saatat minulta vieläkin hetkeksi kadota,
mutta samassa jo sen saan huomata,
olen tässä, elossa - hengitän.
keskiviikko 25. elokuuta 2010
tiistai 10. elokuuta 2010
Images that sparks - in you..
"You write in order to change the world…. The world changes according to the way people see it, and if you alter, even by a millimeter, the way people look at reality, then you can change it.” -James Baldwin
"The truth is that we know that the images themselves don't change the world, but we're also aware that, since the beginning of photography, images have provoked reactions in people, and those reactions have caused change to happen.
Ansel Adams said, and I disagree with him, "You don't take a photograph, you make it." In my view, it's not the photographer who makes the photo, it's you.
We bring to each image our own values, our own belief systems, and as a result of that, the image resonates with us. I hope that the next time you see an image that sparks something in you, you'll better understand why, and you'll definitely do something about it." - Jonathan Klein
Photos that changed the world - TED by Jonathan Klein
Pics - International Photography Contest
Li Feng, China
Fausto Podavini, Italy
Arie Yudhistira, Indonesia
Yuniadhi Agung, Indonesia
Yusuke Okada, Japan
"The truth is that we know that the images themselves don't change the world, but we're also aware that, since the beginning of photography, images have provoked reactions in people, and those reactions have caused change to happen.
Ansel Adams said, and I disagree with him, "You don't take a photograph, you make it." In my view, it's not the photographer who makes the photo, it's you.
We bring to each image our own values, our own belief systems, and as a result of that, the image resonates with us. I hope that the next time you see an image that sparks something in you, you'll better understand why, and you'll definitely do something about it." - Jonathan Klein
Photos that changed the world - TED by Jonathan Klein
Li Feng, China
Fausto Podavini, Italy
Arie Yudhistira, Indonesia
Yuniadhi Agung, Indonesia
Yusuke Okada, Japan
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